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I am not suggesting her as a candidate (and this is related to your Great American Road trip and 50 States 50 Movies posts on Massachusetts) but MA Governor Maura Healey has been treating Trump and Trumpism like an asshole and basically getting away with it because who exactly can oppose her in Massachusetts. Healey refused to mention Trump's name instead only calling him the former President after the shooting in Pennsylvania and has also openly talked about defying any Federal laws passed by Trump and a Republican Congress. She is no Josh Shapiro and that was clear even during the Gaza protests.

When you published your 50 States 50 Movies series, I agreed with you that Good Will Hunting was the best choice for Massachusetts but I also feel it is along with movies like the Departed and the Town are more a Hollywood fantasy of a certain working class culture that once but no longer exists in Massachusetts. Perhaps in 1997 Good Will Hunting might have represented an accurate portrayal of some lingering elements on certain street corners in South Boston circa 1997 but The Departed in 2006 was using creative license to portray events and cultures of the 70s and 80s 20+ years removed.

The truth of the matter is Massachusetts in a way Donald Trump the real estate developer could quite well understand has been eviscerating "undesirable" working class culture of all kinds for most of the second half of the 20th century up to the point today that Boston with the exception of the some predominately Black and Hispanic neighborhoods has gentrified all working class white ethnics out of existence. Places like Charlestown aka The Town and South Boston have all been yuppified and gentrified out and have been for quite some time. Even predominately Hispanic East Boston now has white gentrified sub neighborhoods like Jeffries Point. New York unlike Boston for logistical, demographic and economic reasons even at say the height of Bloombergism was never able to quite pull the same thing off.

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