Thanks so much for reminding me that teens are the biggest psychos on the planet. That seven year stretch of being a pure dickhead just because you're hormonal and insecure really does make you enjoy being a fully grown adult. Having too many bills and responsibilities helps that "I really don't give a shit." gene you grow whenever someone criticizes your style, musical tastes, and sense of self, especially when it comes from someone sub 30 years old. 'Yeah, Jerry. I'll stop being then Nas and Lauryn Hill's target demographic of youth and just stop listening to a song I really like so that your insecure asses can really believe you outright own the song rights." PFFTT.

As for Governor Walz, we've been here before. It really doesn't matter who Vice President Harris would've chose as her running mate, the right would do everything to turn them into the hippie teacher that Beavis and Butthead had. It doesn't matter if he was the second coming of Jeremiah Johnson, George S. Patton and Terry Bradshaw, the right would find a way to turn him into a Birkenstock-wearing, patchouli smelling citizen of the world who has a Coexist bumper sticker on their Prius.

This is what I always keep saying about the GOP, they are always bullshitters. They say they want

a Christian man as President, but then Jimmy Carter shows up and they go to the Hollywood divorcee. They say they want a charismatic bubba, but once Billy Jeff arrives on the scene, they polish up a blue blood son of a oilman and have him cosplay as one. They say they want a proud family man as President, but then Barack Obama shows up, and they totally went the opposite direction on that one. They say they want an experienced and wise statesman, but when they get Joe Biden,..... you get the picture.

I mean, think about it. Since 2000, every single Republican nominee has been a nepotistic, wealthy son of an important man who they polished up as an alpha male that only the most manliest of men can support. Every time, Liberals and Leftists think that they can just make the alpha male, but Left to attract these people, but it has never been about that. "Can you keep the NI&&$#S, K!$#S, DY#$@, F@$S, WET$*#(@, Jews and Frigid Bitches in their place and make sure my tax money doesn't go to helping them?" is the question they are asking. If Bruce Vilanch ran as a Republican and said that stuff and was popular enough to get the GOP nomination, they would do the same thing. It truly doesn't matter.

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This where myself and Nick have to have a hard disagree. Where I was growing up in the 90s the cool thing was to be rich and live in Manhattan or Beverly Hills. Queens was that place where the airport was. Back then I was probably more open to the old rich guy Republicans party than today's downwardly mobile Trumplican party. Being able to travel from the upper class Boston suburbs to Manhattan for the day on the Delta Shuttle on my own just after I turned 18 was my personal adventure into adult hood(And yes this reflects my and my family's economic strata that I could do this on my own as an 18 year old). I had no interest hanging out with the B&T crowd out by LaGuardia.

But then again I told my fourth grade teacher that when I grew up I wanted to be a "corporate raider" that bought companies and broke them up into tiny pieces like Gordon Gekko or Richard Gere's character from Pretty Woman(or plenty of other depictions of these types in the 80s and 90s culture).

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Oct 1
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Always has been for most men.

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For most men, always has been

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Oct 1
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I mean yea that’s sort of the point. Those of us who don’t think Trump and the GOP are “cool” are the ones out of touch

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But take all those John Hughes movies(Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Home Alone, etc.) that took place in the Chicago suburbs like Winnetka, Highland Park, Lake Forrest, etc. in the 1980s. All of those "Hughes" suburbs of the 1980s that emblemized Reagan era Gen X culture, they are voting for Harris overwhelmingly instead of Trump. Whereas back in the 80s places like Winnetka and Lake Forrest would have been "core" Reagan conservative territory.

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BTW, I am willing to bet Nick 10 grand that the woman lawyer in Chicago who grew-up as the only child living in the Home Alone house during the filming of the movie is voting for Harris NOT Trump.


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Trump territory in the Chicago era is increasingly "uncool" blue collar urban ethnic neighborhoods and cities on the South Side. Places like Harvey, IL(home of the Blues Brothers Mall) Mount Greenwood, and Edison Park(All places a world away from John Hughes' suburban Chicago of the 80s). Cubs fans are far more likely to be Harris supporters while White Sox fans are more likely to vote Trump(Most still vote Harris but a larger percentage are Trumpers than the Cubs). Complete opposite from the 80s Reagan era.

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Maybe the Dems should try selling Tim Walz as "Uncle Buck"



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