If the left cared about the Palestinians they wouldn’t back Hamas, or Hezbollah, or the Houthis, or Iran. All of those are oppressive totalitarian theocracies, who have ethnically cleansed all their minorities, and are abusive to women and LGBT citizens. In fact, every country dominated by the violence of Iran’s proxies is a failed state, and Iran is an economic basket case.

The left is simply scapegoating Jews and celebrating their suffering, and it has always done under communist guidance. Their antisemitism is indistinguishable from that of Neo Nazis. And all these protests are about fighting the allies of the US and howling for Jewish blood, nothing more. Progressives are useful idiots of sociopathic, racist, violent, genocide loving extremists.

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Unlike the chilling examples of actual genocide or starvation you cite, nothing comparable is happening in Gaza. Simply put, the charges of genocide and starvation are factually unsupported by the available evidence and by the merest of inquiries.

In fact, the Hamas PR machine works at cross-purposes seemingly understanding its supporters desire to compartmentalize the disinformation it’s given. So, for instance, In every video coming from Gaza purporting to show Israel’s “indiscriminate” or purposeful bombing of civilians, not one of the Gazans in the scene appears even malnourished.

By now, Hamas’ strategy should be self-evident: it attacks Jews and then hides among its own people until the “international community” forces Israel to stand down. Wash, rinse, repeat. October 7, however, has shattered that paradigm because its depraved barbarity has changed Israel’s strategic goals.

What is going on in so-called progressive circles is also clear. Israel was always just the stalking horse, their real target is, as they now explain, Western Civilization itself. That explains much, including the deep seated delusions underpinning the movement. It is not meant to persuade but to impose. Hence the irrelevance of facts and logic.

Ultimately, it’s an attack on law and order and can only be defeated by the impartial application of the rules we have all agreed to live by in our society.

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I absolutely agree that anyone who sincerely cares about the Palestinians should encourage their leaders to negotiate and form a peace agreement with Israel rather than encourage them on a path of endless fighting.

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Well-stated, Nick. The 'palestinians' are not a true 'people' but rather a creation of the KGB. They fully support Hamas and the slaughter of October 7. Without their murderous leadership, and generations of wallowing in Jew-hatred, they would indeed have had a state and could live at peace and prosper. But now, that will never happen. Ever.

Why would the world embrace this false people and narrative? You and the comments here very rightly point out that many out there, particularly "progressives" or more accurately the Left, were completely silent in the face of the true genocides that preceded 10/7. But in their intersectional minds, Jews defending themselves from future pogroms is the same as genocide. They would rather mourn dead Jews with their crocodile tears than deal with live Jews with guns who know how to fight back.

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The Palestinians are a real nation (not invented by an outside actor like the KGB) but Israel's problem is that the event which made them a nation (ie their "ethnogenesis") was the Nakba of 1948. Their identity as a people is entirely wrapped up in avenging this founding trauma by destroying the state of Israel, and Israel will only ever be safe if the Palestinians cease to exist as a distinct nation (most likely by being assimilated into other Arab nations).

The Allies could denazify Germany without destroying it as a nation because the Nazis did not create Germany: it had already existed as a united nation-state for 62 years before the Nazis took it over (and the Germans had been recognized as a people since 1512, when the Diet of Cologne declared the "Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation"). By contrast the Palestinians have been violently resisting Zionist colonization since well before they even identified as a distinct nation, as with the 1920 Nabi Musa riots when the rioters declared allegiance to the Hashemite King of Syria.

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Wow. About one point in five here is true, the rest are 'palestinian' propaganda. But don't let the facts get in the way. Once you use the term "Nakba", catastrophe, in reference to the establishment of Israel in 1948, you identify yourself as a Jew-hater.

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However much the Jews believe that the establishment of Israel was essential, it was undeniably a catastrophe from the Palestinian point of view. Are you really claiming that it is unacceptable antisemitism to even _describe_ this point of view, without even actually _endorsing_ it?

To me it sounds like you're claiming that the expulsion of most of the Palestinian population from their historic homeland was a righteous act, as opposed to an unfortunate necessity (for which the Nazis and other European antisemites are ultimately to blame). I see one of two ways such a conclusion could be reached.

The first is "Israelis are indigenous to the land and Palestinians are not": I disagree with this personally (I see Israelis and Palestinians as roughly equally indigenous: both are descended primarily from ancient Judeans, with the Israelis having cultural but not residential continuity while the reverse is true of the Palestinians), but even if it were the case that Palestinians were descended from (say) 7th century Arabian invaders, why would that justify their expulsion?

Would it be morally justifiable for Mexico to reannex the territories it lost in the Mexican-American War and ethnically cleanse them of Anglos, on the basis that the average Mexican is more indigenous (ie has more Native American blood) than the average Anglo-American, and that those lands had been Mexican far more recently than Palestine/Eretz Yisrael had been Jewish as of (say) 1900?

The only argument for the moral righteousness of expelling the Palestinians that would hold a strong weight with me, would be if the Palestinians were somehow responsible for the Holocaust itself (which is naturally why Netanyahu has attempted to make such an argument vis-a-vis Mufti al-Husseini).

After all, almost no-one claims the ethnic cleansing in 1945 of Germans east of the Oder-Neisse Line was unjustified, precisely because a majority of the voters of those areas had endorsed the genocidal expansionist project of the Nazis with their votes.

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