May 14·edited May 14

Lol. You were always a Zionist.

Israel has nuclear bombs and Uber drivers. Their "self-determination" is complete. Expand your borders, take more land, build more ghettos, etc. - do whatever you want. But when people resist?

Fight your own wars.

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May 15·edited May 15

F*** you.

My grandfather’s family was killed in pogrom by the Soviet Union after Stalin caused mass famine via the Holodomor and blamed us for his poor policy. Angry marauders killed his mom and dad in front of him while he hid under the bed as a 7 year old…and then the Soviets threw him in gulag to die.

My grandmother left Poland right before the Nazi’s invaded, and her entire family was wiped out in Auschewitz.

And before that my great grandfather has HIS family killed in pogrom near Ukraine. And before that the family was expelled by the Ottomans.

This article 100% encapsulates why we are Zionists.

We are at the whim of you. You have all this power over us as the majority. We play by your rules of meritocracy, and when we start becoming successful because we work harder, you come up with excuses to take everything away from us.

Yet despite all this power over us, somehow yall have the audacity to gaslight us constantly as the ‘powerful and elite group’ despite having little to no agency. Or worse, gaslighting us to accept that being 2nd class citizens is somehow acceptable.

This is the cycle for the past 2000 years. We get expelled from one place, then try to rebuild as second class citizens in the new place, hoping neither Christianity or Islam spreads there (Poland for example was very pagan and why so many of us lived there, as people from the other religions don’t hold bias towards us).

We are Zionists because you have consistently proven there is no alternative other than being forever victims, and we are over that as a people.

All your actions are doing is creating more Zionists. So Bibi thanks you for the brain drain and record breaking amounts of us making Aliyah.

And no. We aren’t interested in conquering anything. Israel’s borders has actually shrunk over the past 40 years in a vain attempt in achieving peace. There isn’t a single Jew, Zionist, or Israeli who you’ll find that wants to conquer. This is typical anti Jewish propaganda by Middle East nations that can’t cope that as a people we are no longer subservient of them.

Ask yourself: why are there no more Jews in Arab lands when we numbered in the millions several hundred years ago?

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May 15·edited May 15

Hey, Moe

F*ck you, too.

Other people died in the Holocaust also.

Why no more Jews in Arab lands? Cause they all moved to Europe, U.S. or Israel.

Now, those grandkids, great grandkids think they're entiled to move from Brooklyn, expel prople from their home/lands and take it over.....without consequence.

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The Jews moved from those Arab lands because they were KICKED OUT. Maybe we should talk about their right of return.

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May 16·edited May 16

Nah. Moved when Israel was founded.

"Maybe we should talk about their right of return"

- Why not? They think you own all the land anyway.

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May 27·edited May 27

You think, just because they felt like it, all those people just completely uprooted their *totally awesome* lives in Iraq, where they were being lynched, bombed, imprisoned, etc? Or Egypt where violent pogroms were being incited by their holocaust-denying leaders? The only reason you might think so is either ignorance or hatred.

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Yep. That's why they moved. Israel was founded as a special country just for Jews.

Where did all this lynching, bombing, imprisonment and pogroms occur in the Middle East before Israel was founded?

Seems like post WW2 was the impetus.

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Here is the good news: you are irrelevant. You are powerless. You are a joke. We jews no longer have to depend on your sufference, good humor, or charity. You no longer matter. Ain't that awesome? Cause I mean look at you. You are a moron.

You dare to opine about why mizrahi jews are in Israel while knowing nothing of the Farhud. You deny against all evidence that jews are indigenous to this land. I mean Jesus was a jew from Judea, you moron.

I am the 11th generation of my family here in Israel/Palestine/Judea. We were here for hundreds of years thriving while your grandmother was still giving blowjobs and spreading her legs for strangers in an alley in her native shithole village hoping to make enough money to book passage on a ship to America. Fuck you grandson of a whore. You don't get to decide where jews can or cannot live. Fuck you and your judenrein demands.

Get used to more disappointment in ypur sad little jew-hating life, because we ain't leaving (although i hope one day the Palestinians will be ready to share).

Until then. Now and forever, Am Yisrael Chai asshole, Am Ysrael Chai.

One last thing. Don't pretend you give two shits about Palestinians. You don't. You are a death porn tourist who feeds on the misery of others. That is why you support Hamas, an Islamist cult that seeks to create a worldwide caliphate free of Jews and Christians while keeping its boot firmly on the Palestinian neck. You are a ghoul with one hand on the keyboard and other hand masturbating furiously to your death porn fantasies of dead Israelis and Palestinians.

You sir are an asshole.

Free Palestine from Hamas and ignorant moronic assholes like you.

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Here's the good news: Don't care what you think.

But let me guess. You called me an "anti-Semite" or something like that.

That doesn't work anymore. Get the Gaza ethnic cleansing done, build the condos, then attack Lebanon. Whatever. U.S. just shouldn't be paying for it.

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Comment wasn't for you moron. I know you don't read. Comment was to memorialize what an asshole you are for those that do read.

Free Palestine from Hamas and assholes like you.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Lol. Amazing how Israel had no interest in "freeing Palestine" before Oct. 7th.

Maybe Netanyahu/Israel were to busy paying Hamas?

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May 27·edited May 27

“Other people died in the Holocaust”?? Yeah, of course, but how is that relevant to this conversation?

“Kids from Brooklyn”?? He just told you an all-too-common story of Jews being massacred, persecuted and being expelled from their home and you minimize it by saying Jewish refugees are just spoiled kids from Brooklyn?? THOSE people, who experienced persecution in Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Russia, Germany, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, ETC, all originating at some point in time from Israel, make up the population. For once Jews have our own state in the only place we have a historical claim to where we can flee without being turned away like so many in every other period of history. Even here in the US Jews have experienced redlining, hate mobs (ie Charlottesville), bombings, violence and discrimination, but life so far is mostly good since most non-religious ethnic Jews here have the convenience of being seen as white until you hear our last name.

And see my answer below to your entirely misleading/misguided comment on Jewish refugees from the hateful governments in Arab lands.

You’re just a racist POS just looking for little reasons to nitpick this guy’s post and troll Jews.

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Let me guess, you called me an "anti-Semite" or something because I believe Israel should pay their own way.

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FWIW, I called your grandmother a whore.

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She's dead.

Don't care. She doesn't care either.

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Hahaha yeah the settlements are on 4%(!) of the west bank and you can thank the Palestinians never agreeing to what to do with area C and agreeing to any land swaps so you can go phuq yourself with that BS you're spewing. People resist? Nah, they keep losing and keep expecting to be reached by dumdums like you. Nakba meant humiliation to the Arabs losing the war because they were so confident they'd win. They still haven't gotten over it.

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May 20·edited May 20

Funny you should mention that. :)


"They still haven't gotten over it." - Interesting....I know another group of people who still haven't gotten over something either.

Oh, before I forget, you can go phuq yourself, too ;)

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Not reading any Islamist propaganda from a brainwashed useful idiot who wouldn’t know logic or facts if it hit them upside he head. Go lay out a prayer rug, don’t forget to bow down and ensure the infidels are all slaughtered.

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May 20·edited May 20

Haaretz is "Islamist propaganda?" Lol!!!

Think the brainwashed useful idiot might be you.

Funny how factually reported occurrences are always "propaganda."

Don't have a prayer rug. Not Muslim.

Good luck with your ethnic cleansing.

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Israel wants to much land they gave back the Sina. /s

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They want "from the river to the sea." Netanyahu said it.

Just get the Gaza condos built and quit trying to gaslight everyone.

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You dolt: from river to sea is a Palestinian expression that was stated on 48 after Israel claimed independence to state there would be no Jewish land in the Middle East.

They lost that war. Yet Palestinians STILL cling to this delusion that is only causing them and Israel suffering for no reason.

If they had a semblance of common sense instead of hardcore ideology, they would have built a paradise in Gaza instead of what they did.

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May 15·edited May 15

You dolt.


Lol. Kinda hard to build a paradise when food, water, trade, supplies, movement etc. are controlled by an external force/nation. Gaza and the West Bank are religious- ethnic ghettos.

Just go ahead, get this over with and get the beachfront condos built already.

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Gaza 👏🏻 Has 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 Border 👏🏻 With 👏🏻 Egypt

Gaza 👏🏻 Has 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 Border 👏🏻 With 👏🏻 Egypt

Once again:

Gaza 👏🏻 Has 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 Border 👏🏻 With 👏🏻 EGYPT

After that got into your head, think:

Why does Egypt monitor the border with Gaza so closely? Why doesn't it let the Gazans, their self-proclaimed brothers and sisters, safe and free passage into their land so they can prosper and thrive?

Simple: It's because of the terrorists.

Claiming Gaza and the PA are "religious- ethnic ghettos" is like claiming Andorra is a religious- ethnic ghetto. Because, newsflash: if Andorra would've educated and worse paid Catalans to daily murder, rape and harm Spanish and/or French citizens - guess who would close their border with Andorra? That's right Spain and France would.

Why? Because they're obligated to protect their citizens. Israel is also obligated to protect its citizens - whatever religion or race they are, btw, including ~20% of the population whom are Arab Palestinians (so that figure excludes groups such Jewish Palestinians and Armenian Palestinians).

So when Gaza and the PA do the bare minimum of not supporting terrorism (y'know basic things like don't pay someone for raping and murdering a Jewish teenager), we can talk about whether or not closing the border with them is justified.

And, after this whole speech, I'd like to point out unfortunately neither the Israeli border with the PA nor the Israeli border with Gaza is closed right now, but instead Israel is checking over what gets to their enemy's hands. Seems way too generous to me.

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May 17·edited May 18


They. Are. Not. Egyptian. :)

-Add the stupid clapping hands in your imagination.

Get this over with, ethnically cleanse the 2 ghettos and build the beachfront condos already.

Own it. Don't demand others take people in so you don't ethnically cleanse the area and move in with "voluntary emmigration" like Smotrich, Ben-Gvir, etc. have publicly called for.

The one paying Hamas was Netanyahu :)

Checking over? Hmm....would you like to see video of Israelis destroying aid trucks?

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Maybe the Palestinians should start providing their own power and water and quit freeloading off Israel's generosity. They claim to want self-determination. There is none of that as long as they rely on charity.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Maybe Israel should stop controling the power and water in Gaza and allow free trade with other nations and allow repair/building in Gaza without Israeli permits/approval?

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May 14·edited May 14

your support of the Jewish people means a lot to me. The piece was well written, however the ending was unexpected and without any conclusion

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Great work. Well done!

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Well then, if you need a country where you’re the demographic majority, take your ideology to its logical conclusion. If you’re unwilling to let the Palestinians of the WB and Gaza become citizens of a unitary state because incorporating them means giving up your majority, and if you simultaneously don’t believe they can have a separate independent state alongside of you - Netanyahu’s explicitly committed himself to that idea and a majority of Israeli voters now seem to agree with him - then accept that you’re either going to have to deprive these Palestinians indefinitely of the fundamental human right of political self-determination and self-government OR physically expel them from their homeland and then take that territory. There honestly aren’t any other options. And although neither of those two is quite as bad as physically exterminating them all, both those options are rightfully viewed as pretty up there in the scale of moral evil.

I say commit to giving them a state - there’s no other option that over the long run preserves the idea of zionism as a righteous cause.

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That's probably what's going to happen which is why it was stupid for the Palestines to reject past offers of statehood.

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What’s going to happen? Not clear from your comment.

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Thank you for being an ally and introducing me to the “hit dog hollering” concept as well as the negative stereotype regarding Jewish landlords. I think I’ll stick with “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” (if I’m understanding the dog thing correctly). My most outstanding landlord was not only Jewish but a cantor!

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Me As Well

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As crazy as Trump is, he is a far better friend of the Jewish people than biden is. And thank you. We need as many friends as we can get.

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Trump is antisemitic. As in-- his personal, private opinions are antisemitic. His entire family background is the same way. If you know the history surrounding his father, you know this. He knows how to make the right noises about supporting Israel, but if it benefited him, he'd do a lightning fast 180. You really want this person as president??

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I haven't known many privately virulent antisemites to not only have Jewish grandchildren but by all accounts love and cherish them greatly.

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Everybody has to make up their own mind about that. I dropped trying to convince people on this subject a while back.

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