I think quinoa has been unfairly slandered for its unwilling association with progressives. It is delicious, high in protein, and cooks faster than rice. We should value quinoa, not throw it in with the useless idiots.

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Fair. I actually like quinoa lol

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The Gaza war is not a genocide---Israel does not seek to kill Arabs. It is no more a genocide than the USSR's "genocide on the Germans" in World War Two or the USA's nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The protestors against Israel are playing into Hitler's hands just as they did in his previous incarnation as Fuhrer of the third Reich. But perhaps the German Communists of the first Fuhrer's time thought "it must get worse before it can get better" and saw the first Hitler as no worse than the "Social Democrat" enemies.

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I half agree with this article. Those on the left blaming Biden's foreign policy (which, unfortunately is a mainstream D/R position) for a potential 2024 loss is unstrategic, since a general election is ultimately the choice between two candidates, and always has been. Pick your fight in the primary, live to see another day.

But I disagree that Biden's demise is due to his left pandering. His immigration policy has been muddled from the start, oscillating between a more humane approach than Trump and reverting back to those same policies. His failure to send NYC and other places federal support for the migrant crisis is a self-inflicted wound, and more operational failure than ideological. (As is Adams' failure to capitalize on the full amount of funds being offered.) Biden has done virtually nothing on criminal justice, but Republicans will try to weaponize crime no matter what the circumstances. The IRA is a great, forward looking bill, with the worst marketing since the Affordable Care Act.

Student debt is one area where Biden might have appeased the base at the expense of majority opinion. I don't understand why he didn't focus on predatory interest rather than principal amounts, which might have been more understandable to the public.

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I’m stealing this: “cry in their quinoa”

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That the two tweets you cite have, respectively, one and eleven “likes”—on a platform notorious for serving as an echo-chamber circle jerk!—speaks volumes.

It’s pointless to try and appease these people. But they can be outvoted.

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